
Here is a place for all things Celtic: books, music, poetry, videos. For permission to post email mrmireland@aol.com.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Many thanks to those of you who have taken the time to let me know you enjoyed the first six unedited installments of my short story/novella, "Deirdre." I said I would post this throughout November, and inasmuch as tomorrow is November 30th, I think I must take a hiatus now to finish the story! Never fear, it will appear early next year as part of an anthology by Victory Tales Press. I will be sure to let you know details as I learn them, and you can see what form of trickery King Conor uses next. As one of my commenters said, modern politicians had nothing on these folks! So please rejoin me early in 2011 to learn the fate of Deirdre of the Sorrows.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Eve to his Adam—or so Naisi told himself—the young woman with hair black as his own, and skin as white, led him to the very thing he feared. They lay together all the long afternoon, embracing in the heart of love, telling each other of their dreams and hopes as young lovers do. So enamored of each other were they that they swore only death would part them. At last, when Naisi feared his brothers who had gone hunting would soon return, he and Deirdre tidied themselves. And sure enough, Ainle and Ardan came a-whistling through the deep woods, no longer silent since they had taken their share of game.
‘Twas far more they took from the king’s bounty that day after Deirdre had plied them with kisses and Naisi with pleas. Well they knew the king’s wrath would exceed all previous bounds, yet taking Deirdre with them, they returned to their father’s strong castle where Naisi made haste to marry her that very eve. Thus had he taken claim of her in all ways possible, but it would be no protection from King Conor. As soon as the sun had risen, the four young people took a retinue, hounds and servants and sought refuge with a king more friendly to themselves than to Conor.
Now Conor was wroth with black rage so profound some feared he would go mad, or perhaps had done. Though he had wives and sons in plenty, it was Deirdre he had always envisioned as the breath of life that would keep his old age at bay. Robbed of that hope, for months on end he pursued her and Naisi and Usna’s other sons the length and breadth of Ireland. Catha’s prediction that Deirdre would cause war was fulfilled. So great was the threat Conor posed to other kings that at long last Naisi found himself unwelcome in any court and was obliged to make his way by sea to Alba, the land of wild men. Yet he had been careful to take a retinue large enough to secure a place in that land and in time built a fortress called Glen Etive where he and Deirdre were happy. King Conor could not touch them, for not only did they have a mighty keep, but the same council which had rejected Fergus when he left the throne for a woman made much the same response to Conor. Did he bankrupt their country to fight for a mere woman, they told him, they would find another king. And it was no idle threat, for always men sought to depose him, circling like a waiting wolf pack.
Conor was therefore compelled to hold his tongue, but never did he restrain his cunning.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010


The most beloved of the Red Branch Knights were the sons of Usna. They were Naisi, Ainle and Ardan. Fierce in battle or the hunt, they were equally mild of manner in times of peace and Naisi especially enjoyed the sound of the harp and was a skilled musician. The land being peaceful at that time, he enjoyed to wander in the woods, listening to the sound of his own music. Even animals were charmed by the sound of it and as for people—why, they had no choice. It filled them with contentment and joy.
It was at this time, as well, that Deirdre (knowing her unwanted marriage to the king was approaching) sometimes did make her escape to walk in the outer world beyond gate and moat. Leabhar, who should have prevented it, was touched by the girl’s deep unhappiness, for she herself had loved a man when she was young. And Leabhar let Deirdre walk within the world of which she knew so little. No fairer nor more innocent maid ever trod the woods that belonged to the King.
Neither did Naisi fear to go there, for he and the king were on good terms and he knew of no reason he should not. And that is why on the fairest of summer days he sat beneath a tree on a hillock making the finest of his music. It was the music that pulled Deirdre in, of course. She could no more resist it than a trout does the lure and when she saw the sheer, pure beauty of the man making music, that drew her more strongly yet, for she knew him from her dreams.
Still, Leabhar had raised her to be circumspect, so no word did she say. Instead she only passed Naisi, eyes downcast so that no evil could be said of her. But beauty speaks for itself and Naisi, seeing it, was struck to the heart and he spoke.
“How fair a doe my music has called this time.”
“’Tis easy to be a fair doe when there are no bucks,” she responded.
Now the son of Usna was no fool, being himself a chief in Ulster though a young one. He had heard of Felim’s daughter secreted in a fortress of the king and suspected this must be the girl, so he tested her, saying, “Have you not the prize buck of this land, King Conor himself?”
“Yet if I were to choose,” Deirdre persevered, “I would choose the young buck.” And she looked at him so straightly that Naisi knew full well what was in her mind. It was in his, as well.
“But you are the king’s,” he protested weakly.
“Not yet,” she said.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Today it's my distinct privilege to introduce British author/actor/playwright Bill Haworth.
Bill brings a wealth of experience to his general fiction short stories and books. Retired from the Army, he has worked in the offshore industry in the UK (North Sea), Canada, Arctic and the Middle East.

Most recently, DCL Publications released a print edition of Bill's "Stonehenge and Other Short Stories." My personal favorite is "Ice Palace," a fascinating true story of an incident in Czarist Russia.
For more information and Buy Links, CLICK BELOW:

Friday, November 12, 2010


Conor had several hidden fortresses known to only a very few, and it was to one of these that he had Felim’s daughter removed. Protected by wall, moat and guard dogs, it was impregnable, and he ordered that no one should enter but himself, Catha and an old nurse, Leabhar. Lacking other company besides Conor and Catha, who came but seldom, Leabhar and the child grew close as grandmother and granddaughter, for Leabhar was far from her youth. Nonetheless, she taught Deirdre well of birds and flowers, roots and herbs and the ways of animals. Even some scrying of the stars she taught to her. It was a pleasant way for a child to be raised, if a trifle lonely, yet Deirdre bore that well enough while she turned from a pretty girl into one with beauty to awe the very stars she studied. Seeing her dear one change into young womanhood--and noting that the king and his druid came much more often then--the old nurse became fearful, yet nothing did she say. What indeed could she say?
It was Deirdre who spoke by and by. Standing one winter’s day by the window, she spoke low and sad to Leabhar: “Alas, it is a lonely day and I am lonely, too.”
A chill ran through the older woman, who knew what was prophesied.
“And how could you be lonely, child, when everyone here dances attendance upon you?”
But Deirdre turned to her with no trace of her usual smile. “I am lonely for one of my own age, Leabhar, though I love you dearly. The king is old and I’ve no wish to wed him. It’s a younger man I’m dreaming of.”
At first Leabhar was wont to hush Deirdre for fear of the king, but then a worse fear started inside her and she queried, “What man?”
“One as fair of skin as I,” Deirdre responded dreamily, “with raven black hair and red lips. I have seen him. I see him at night. Each night, when I sleep. He is there, waiting for me.”
Then Leabhar did quiet her in earnest, the fear inside of her growing deadly.
“You must not speak of him,” she said with a nervous cast to her eye as though Conor might be lurking behind any door. “If you do, the king will have Naisi killed for sure.”
“Naisi?” Deirdre inquired, with a smile like sunlight.
“There is but one who looks as you describe,” Leabhar told her, worry lining her whole face. “A son of Usna, one of the chiefs of Ulster, and beloved of the Red Branch Knights.” She remembered the demand of those knights that the child Deirdre be killed lest she destroy them. “You must put him from your mind.”
But Deirdre would not put from her mind the man she saw in her dreams. "Naisi," she murmured. "My love."